WASPI – More Labour broken promises?

What did you expect?

Labour continue to astound even me. Especially with their latest decision to not recompense the WASPI women, despite the Parliamentary Ombudsmen proposing that they should.

The easy promises and soundbites offered in opposition are now apparently discarded as if they don’t matter.

Well they do matter to 3.8 million women, who the government have agreed were wronged, but are not prepared to pay them compensation for the error.

Now we all recognise that the pension age had to be standardised, that’s a given. But clearly it was done incorrectly – as agreed by the Labour Government – and therefore those affected should be recompensed.

However, SKS and his cronies state that it is not the best use of tax payer’s money, as though this is somehow a justifiable reason for not paying. Really?

It is nothing but a feeble excuse. The WASPI women had already paid their dues, and contributions with the taxes they had paid. Give them what they are owed and due.

However, it appears that women are only of concern to the Labour party if they are of a certain age.

I guess Labour hope the issue will go away. No doubt if they keep kicking the proverbial tin-can down the road long enough, they hope that all those affected will soon shuffle off this Mortal Coil. Job done.

I wouldn’t bet on it.

WASPI won’t go away. Neither will their supporters or the MP’s that back them.

Hopefully parliament will demand a vote on the matter, and one will be held. However, unless everyone is strong enough to stick together, no doubt with such a large majority in the House of Commons, SKS, RR and AR will hope they can railroad it through regardless of the ill feeling it will cause.

I was not looking to criticise the Labour government, as it was elected with a huge majority, albeit by a very small percentage of the electorate, but I felt I couldn’t let another lie go by without passing comment.

As I have said previously, be careful of what you wish for, and to all those young voters, you will soon see what socialism really means over the next 5 years.

Especially as Labour have already given larger than inflation pay rises to the militant unions, while taking away the fuel allowance for needy pensioners. At least Dying with Dignity will now at some point become law.

Well people, this is what you get for voting in a Labour Government. I suggest you suck it up over the next four years, before you get a chance to decide again who you want to govern the country. Buckle up kid’s this could be bumpy.

You can run SKS, but you can’t hide. You won’t be in power long with decisions like this.

It’s tough being in government, a lot easier than the sanctimonious preaching you offered in opposition.

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