ULEZ – Am I Bothered?

Surely Not The Best Way To Improve Air Quality

The introduction of the increased ULEZ Zone London has received significant media attention, and rightly so in some respects, especially for the capital, but in the words of the Catherine Tate character, Am I Bothered?

It’s rather amusing that we are supposed to be concerned for the near 9 million inhabitants of London, when for the majority of the time they show little concern for the rest of the countries well-being. Examples of North-South divide are often voiced by the self-interested.

The expanded ULEZ does appear to be a rather ham fisted way of going about achieving the goal, or is it

I get the feeling, but I may be wrong, that in some ways it is purely political postering by an incumbent Mayor (SK) who will shortly be seeking re-election.

Similarly those opposed to it are also seeking to put their opposite political views to SK forward.

The aim is definitely worthy of merit, of course air quality should be improved in our cities, and the world in general. However if this is truly the aim, surely increasing the zone just increases the coffers of the TFL, and ultimately City Hall, which is run by the Mayor.

How does the charge improve air quality? I do not have the answer.

The Report by TH makes interesting reading.

Regit Report – Web of falsehoods and exaggerations from SK undermines support for Ulez.


Will increasing the zone and charging people for driving non-compliant vehicles, solve the problem? I am not convinced.

Has air quality been improved in recent years, apparently yes. Will it continue to improve? It better had. But how do you quantify the improvement, and what measures have realistically contributed to the improvement? Will ULEZ be the answer?

Again I am unsure, but no doubt those with a vested political interest in London, or those with a desire to promote their views will be banging the drum long and hard, but Am I Bovvered?

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1 Response

  1. Anonymous says:

    Couldn’t agree more, whilst in this thought mode I would offer the same argument for the following;
    Road quality road tax
    NI National health
    NI State pension
    Alcohol duty stopping drinkers
    Tobacco duty stopping smokers
    Fuel duty stopping driving
    Air travel taxes stopping holidays
    I could go on but I’m sure you get the gist, for as long as the UK remains subservient to the ruling classes these taxes on essential and pleasure goods will continue to increase and the working people will suffer the yolk of oppression whilst paying for hereditary old money wealth to continue it life of dynastic overlords ship of the minions.
    In the words of the duke of Westminster, when questioned on his advise for how young people get “get on” in modern Britton
    ” well, I my opinion, it’s best to have an ancient family friend who is William the conqueror”
    And he masses are still paying the price for being conquered, the only difference is the middle man taking a slice, AKA the government.

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