Red verses Blue – Part 2 – “No way are they changing” – The Road to Victory.

Let’s be realistic, if you are a true Red or a Blue you ain’t changing allegiance no matter what.

You won’t see a Toffee racing across Stanley Park to suddenly become a Red, similarly a Blue is not going out of the city to Salford to support Utd – there’s too many cockneys there already!

I can’t see a Gooner strolling down the Kings Road any time soon, nor a Wearsider suddenly rocking up at SJP to become a member of the Toon Army.

So, if your allegiance is Red or Blue your views are entrenched and you are not for changing, so you are wasting you time trying to convince either persuasion to change sides.

It therefore does often seem strange that politicians and political commentators somehow believe they are going to sway the staunch supporter as too how they are going to vote, no such luck……..

Similarly, it’s pointless worrying about the things you can’t change, a view that fortunately most people realise and therefore switch off to political debate, even the ever-changing current situation.

However, just for a moment, let’s consider the issue, where current opposition parties are indignantly screaming for an immediate General Election, as LT and now the new PM, RS, “has no mandate from the British people”.

But unless we have suddenly elected a President, the GE of 2019 provided the Conservative Party with their mandate, and general public will get its chance to hold them to account in December 2024, unless RS decides otherwise. We do not vote for a PM we vote for an MP and that is the system. The party with most MP’s forms the government, led by their leader who was BJ, was replaced for a very short while by LT and is now RS.

Well shall we put that in context, there is no constitutional need for a PM to call a GE, unless they lose a vote of no confidence. So political commentators and opposition MP’s including KS, ED, NS, IB and MD should focus on the things they can change rather than those they can’t.

The World and West in particular are in the middle of a Global Crisis, not as you are expected to believe solely a Tory driven Cost of Living Crisis. The cost-of-living, high interest rates, and inflation issues are in every country in the world, not simply in the UK, they have been caused predominately by Putin. Trying to lay the troubles solely at the door of the government and certain individuals is simply ludicrous and not accurate, but let’s keep banging this drum, we will get a socialist government, if we try hard and long enough.

Don’t get me wrong, the government haven’t helped, and Conservative MP’s and LT has unnecessarily fueled the flames and inadvertently made matters worse. (See R v B Part 1), but will there be an early GE, I doubt it, but only time will tell.

…….but I digress, her who must be obeyed, SEM and I have for the last 44 years at each election, whether Local or General, strolled off to the Polling Station, or more recently, the Post Box, to cast our votes.

A rather pointless exercise as she will vote Red as she always has, (albeit I think Corbyn may have forced her to abstain, “I’m not voting for him as long as he has a hole in his a**e”, springs to mind), and I will put my cross against the blue candidate. Many families also have varied opinions, but ain’t that just dandy.

So why bother, like other ‘dyed in the wool’ supporters, we can’t change things on our own, but let’s be clear millions of good and innocent souls laid down their lives to allow us the privilege to vote and to have freedom of speech, so you should, always do what is required and take the opportunity to vote.

No matter what your circumstances, and more importantly if there is an early GE, then please, take up your right and put your X in the box.

Albeit it may not make two ha’pence of difference as to the outcome…..that can only be decided in the true marginal seats where the floating voter will decide the next Government…….they are the ones that potential MP’s and political commentators should be striving to convince, the faithful Red or Blue are a loyal but lost cause.

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