NDA v In The Public Interest
Morals – Trust – Honesty
I find people of today who advocate releasing confidential information as being ‘In the public interest ‘ as morally wrong. That includes ‘Whistle Blowers.’
The latest disclosures by IO of MH WhatsApp’s is an example in point.
I am no great fan of MH but if someone has signed an NDA and received information then they should honour the agreement. The fact that IO hasn’t is a complete No, No, in my world.
To sit behind, it is in the public interest, when the information is nearly 3 years old is totally unjustifiable.
In my opinion IO has done it for purely selfish means and hope that MH takes the strongest legal action.
On many occasions I have been asked to maintain a confidence when someone has told me something and I would not break that confidence, no matter what.
If you do then you are fully aware of the consequences, whether that be legally or to your reputation.
It would appear though that many in today’s society do not believe they have to abide by the rules or laws.
My Blog “Rules are for Fools” – Part 1 – Re-set Your Compass, touched on the subject
I do believe that societies ‘Moral Compass’ is in need of a re-set.
If you agree to something, then please don’t just change your mind later, no matter what the circumstances.
I have been in many meetings where others will agree with you when discussing matters face to face, but then write something different at a later date another example of unjustifiable conduct.
If you feel that something has occurred that means that you feel it is essential you disclose something, then at least discuss this with the other party, that will at least show some moral justification, but to sneakily disclose to a National Newspaper as IO appears to have, is beyond justification and her integrity is now completely shot.
I wonder what her friends make of her actions? I know what I would think, and I would like to believe that when you tell something in confidence with or without a written agreement you honour that no matter what the circumstances.
To conclude. perhaps you are like me and Mary Poppins, being ‘practically perfect in every way’ but non the less I do feel what is required and this is true for social media users and the world in general, is that our moral compass is well over due a re-set.