Let’s Get “The Show on the Road”
As I moved into retirement my thoughts turned towards my mortality and similarly how I could pass on my experiences and views to others before the opportunity is lost.
It is often only with experience and age that you are able to fully consider the issues that affect everyone.
The current younger generation and those forthright amongst them more than any I have known, face greater challenges and opportunities but seem to believe that the world either owes them a debt of gratitude or for some reason they consider they know best. Neither is close to reality.
This Blog of ‘The World According To Spiel’ is purposely limited in size for each post due to the fact that most people now struggle to find time to read anything longer than a couple of sentences let alone read a book and often lack the ability to stay with anything until the end….even men, who seem to have lower thresholds with most things…
Therefore, as you are likely to be reading the anecdotes in a snatched moment in your busy day, of commuting or getting the kids to eat their tea or reading through your social media accounts…again…. and having little time to finish it, I will try and be concise and to the point thereby offering you the best possible opportunity to appreciate its finer points while still enjoying your life.
Similarly, if the blog is successful (that’s down to you) as I hope, books and financial rewards will follow and my retirement fund will be enhanced and I will become as popular or is that unpopular as JKR, ……if only that were possible. (It won’t, you’ll be pleased to know, drag on though like a JKR novel, they do go on and on and on and on…).
The blog is planned to be varied, sometimes serious, more often light hearted, mostly contemporary, occasionally historical, anecdotal, or even at times, down right educational, but hopefully not boring, but it may unfortunately also be that.
It is also unlikely at times to be totally politically correct, but hey ho, such is life.
The views and observations in this blog are clearly my own, but I do hope you feel some affinity with at least part of them, which have evolved over the years listening, observing, or reading about people who are far smarter than I will ever be and also at times as dim as a footballer at a post-match interview, or as biased as a political news reporter.
Credits are given where I can clearly remember those who have been involved, their initials will be noted to protect them where appropriate but to offer them the satisfaction that I did listen, and they can either brag about or disregard their association with this blog as is appropriate.
The views may be taken with a huge piece of salt and are offered to reflect the fact that humour often seems to be lost on the young and the intense extremist but not the many, of which I trust you are one.
I can only hope as you read the articles that you will perhaps become more enlightened, albeit maybe only in a small way as there is one thing, I can be certain of in life, is that we continue to learn from the moment of our initial awareness until the present……some though more than others….some apparently not much at all, and some totally unaware that they have learnt a life lesson today…. c’est la vie….
Enjoy if you can….
Thanks for taking the time to read the article